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Is Batfleck Departing the DCEU?

Updated: May 21, 2022

(Images courtesy of Google)

For months now there has been a lot of speculation online about actor Ben Affleck possibly leaving the role of the famous Gotham Bat behind. Affleck has starred as Batman in the Films Batman vs Superman and the newly released Justice League. The actor originally aimed to write and direct his own Batman solo film. But this unfortunately will not happen. Director and writer Matt Reeves has been said to have taken over that project. This we could still cope with as we would still be happy knowing that Batfleck would still be taking centre stage in the film. But it seems like now our hopes have been dashed as entertainment news site Variety has recently published the following statement within their article about the DCEU films making big changes.

"While Ben Affleck is expected to appear as Batman in a standalone Flash movie, it is highly unlikely he will don the cape and cowl in Matt Reeves’ planned standalone Batman movie. The director is said to want to cast the role with fresh talent, according to sources."

Who these sources are, I'm not sure. But what does seem certain is that the upcoming Flashpoint (solo Flash film) looks like it will be the last time we will see Ben in the role of millionaire Bruce Wayne.

So who will we see in the famous cowl in the solo batman film? Do you have any preferences who you want to be the next Batman?

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