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Game Guru Jess

Woohoo Island Launch

Our couples have finally entered the villa, there were some laughs ,tears and a small dose of drama!! Here are some highlights of days one and two!!

Our Islanders completed their first ever challenge! Grace was the victor by finishing her sandcastle first and it didn't fall down!!

Still part of the challenge, Kristie and Zac weren't exactly original as they copied other Islanders with their designs for sandcastles (nor were they in sync with these particular ones)

After digging around in the sand getting all hot and sweaty making the sandcastles, Riley decided to show off his diving skills by landing a perfect back flip, unfortunately no ladies were present to witness this amazing stunt.

And then we have Kristie the now renowned Ballsy Blonde for always flaunting what her mother gave her. She certainly caught everyone's attention.

Annabell was rather unhappy that she didn't win the challenge and furthermore wanted to prove that she was the master of sand castle sculpting. So, whilst everyone was getting their party on, she decided to make a hilarious sandcastle! A Shark chowing down on a Gnome! It looked like a scene from Jaws in the sims 4 world!

Headliner DJ Chung managed to get Annabell throwing shapes with the rest of the Islanders. Zac loved the spotlight he didn't move from the middle of the dance floor as he showed off his pretty impressive moves!

Coming on Thursday Night...

There's a date coming up for Grace and wave riding Riley, but just how will it go??

Who will Woo Hoo!?

Will someone get pied?

Find out Thursday Night 10pm only on our twitch channel

Lastly, a huge thank you to everyone that watched our stream and interacted with us we hope you enjoyed watching as we did playing.

Speak to you all Thursday!

Game Guru Jess.

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