(Image courtesy of Disney+)
So, for those of you who have been watching Marvel's Moon Knight on Disney+, or more specifically, for those of you that have watched this week's Episode 4, it may have left you somewhat bewildered and confused. Don't worry, you're not alone. We all are, as I'm pretty certain that we've just witnessed the strangest twist in any of the Marvel shows so far.
If you've not already checked out our initial thoughts/recap videos, then take a look at the link HERE
The post contains two video options for you to watch, spoiler free and content with spoilers for those who have already seen the episode.
From here on in there WILL be spoilers, so if you've not watched the episode yet, then feel free to return to this post at a later date.
Spoilers in 3, 2, 1.....
There was so much going on within this week's episode of Moon Knight. At the beginning we saw the outcome of the cliff hanger that we were left with at the end of episode 3 where Khonshu was imprisoned into a statue after a short trial, leaving Marc Spector/Steven Grant (Oscar Isaac) without the protection of the ceremonial Moon Knight suit and in an extremely vulnerable position causing him to collapse. Thankfully, after Layla (May Calamawy) taking on the role of Guy Fawkes and turning a truck full of ammo into fireball using a flare, we see Steven make a full recovery. The duo then steal a vehicle to travel to the tomb that they have been in search for.
As Layla puts a firm foot on the brakes to stop the vehicle there is a close up of the windscreen showing three bullet holes within the glass. This could be a little nod to the fact that in the comics, Marc Spector has three personalities, himself and Steven Grant who we have already become familiar with. The third is known to be a character called Jake Lockley (who we have yet to see on screen yet, or have we?)
When at the site of the tomb it's clear to see the excitement on Steven's face being in a place he could have only 'dreamed' of up until now, baring in mind he was an average guy from London working in the gift shop of a museum, although while having a vast knowledge of Egyptian history and artefacts that is being completely wasted.
It was also good to notice that there seems to be bit more of a sexual chemistry forming between both Layla and Steven (Layla's former husband Marc's alter ego). Although also somewhat awkward too. Our film reviewer Kim briefly made a short video on this over on our TikTok account so be sure to go ahead and check that out HERE
So as you may already know we continue into the episode with an Indiana Jones style mini adventure where we see all sorts. We get to see a creepy looking mummy type creature performing what appears to be the process of a mummification while our forefront characters are hiding, but of course they get spotted and managed to get separated. Fun little fact for you also, these scenes were filmed in the same location as some of Indiana Jones film scenes!
Anyway, that's enough mumbling for now, if you've seen the episode, then you won't be here for a recap. What we want to discuss is that ending! Yes the twisted events at the end of the episode. To put it frankly, Marc is shot multiple times by Arthur Harrow (Ethan Hawke) and falls into water surrounding the sarcophagus he was investigating. We then get a brief montage of an old adventure movie about an explorer called Steven Grant before Marc then appearing in a bright white, medically clean environment. It doesn't take long to realise that this is a mental institution and we are led to believe that all previous episodes that we have seen up until this point have essentially been broadcast from Marc's mind. Shortly afterwards we see the character try to escape from the institution and reunite with his alter ego Steven in a physical form. Both continue to run and end up standing in front of a set of double doors where they are left screaming upon seeing this character in the photograph below.
(Image courtesy of Disney+)
But just who or what is this mysterious, yet glamorous hippo?
As the show is based on Egyptian deities, it is highly likely that this is the Goddess Taweret. She is most commonly known to have the appearance with the head and body of a hippopotamus, while holding her frame on the legs of a crocodile. This figure can be dated back to around 3000 BC and is said to be the Goddess of fertility and rebirth. This makes a lot of sense considering that the moment that Marc is fatally injured just before we see her appearance with her chirpy "hi". We have a couple of theories about why we think Marvel Studios have chosen to introduce her into the show at this moment.
Theory number 1: It is possible that this all white location could be a state of limbo for Marc Spector, a moment between life and death. This can be likened to when Harry Potter was killed and briefly reunites with Albus Dumbledore. This means that she could possibly be meeting Marc to allow him a second chance of life, this could be that she brings him back to life as Marc Spector, or..... She could perhaps allow him a rebirth as the character's third alter ego from the comics Jake Lockley, of whom we have seen many hints at in the show in plain sight without even realising until re watching certain scenes. HERE is one place that we feel we may have seen Jake already.
Theory number 2: Again we believe that Taweret is allowing Marc a second chance as himself once more, but this time (as Konshu is no longer around after being cast into a stone figurine) she may offer Marc to become her avatar much like he was for Khonshu. Possibly a little bit of a reach but it is just a thought.
So these are our theories about why our leading man has ran into a random elegantly dressed hippopotamus. What do you think? Do you agree? Do you have any theories of your own that differ from ours? We would love to know! Feel free to share your thoughts on any of our social media accounts or right here in the comments section below.
With just two episodes left, we can't wait to see what else Moon Knight has in store for us and to see where it will take us regarding to the future of the MCU. And don't forget to keep checking back in with us to see more Moon Knight content.