If you're a fan of spotting easter eggs in shows and film, then like us you may have noticed a few similarities or even parallels within this week's episode of Moon Knight. Our film reviewer Kim managed to find quite a few of these episode 1 doppelgangers within episode 4.
See the numbered images and their corresponding explanations below
1. The Golden Man/Crawley: In episode 1 and 2 of the series character Steven Grant can often be seen confiding in this golden figure situated outside of the museum in which he works at in the gift shop. In the comics/graphic novels, Marc Spector is known to have a personal confidant named Crawley. This name hasn't officially been used within any of the episodes however the name Crawley is featured in the show's end credits. In Episode 4 he is seen as a bingo caller within the mental institute in which Marc finds himself in at the end of the fourth instalment of the series.
2. Manager Donna /Donna the patient: Early in the series we are quickly introduced to the character of Donna. This is Steven's manager at the gift shop within the museum. The character comes across in all honesty as a bit of a ball basher with her blunt and stern nature. In this week's episode she is seen as a patient clutching onto a plush scarab. The same as the ones she appears to be putting out onto the gift shop shelves.
3. Plush Hippos/Taweret: Much like when we see manager Donna handling the plush scarab toys early on in the series, there are also a box of plush hippos that can be seen wearing shiny golden Egyptian style head pieces. Before seeing the latest episode it's relatively easy not to take any notice of these little adorable plushies at all. After seeing the very end of episode 4, it becomes quite obvious about why they even appeared in the show in the first place. This is when who fans believe to be the Goddess Taweret (the Goddess of fertility and rebirth) makes her appearance and says "hi" to the traumatized Marc and Steven. It looks like there may be plenty more to come from this character too. To find out a little more about Taweret check out our post HERE.
4. The Rubix Cube: Early in episode 1 of the series character Steven can be seen lying on his bed solving the retro toy, The Rubix Cube. He seems to make his way around the puzzle in a relatively short space of time too! In episode 4 The Rubix Cube is seen again but this time a patient is trying to solve it, but not as quickly as what Steven was able to when it was last seen.
5. Gus The Goldfish: Before the show was even released, shortly before it's first air date on Disney+, Marvel Studios had released a poster image to drop a hint for fans as a clue to try and make sense of what exactly was to be expected from the show's first episode. There really were some bonkers theories about this mysterious gold fish that was housed in a blender. But that is simply all it was, Steven Grant had a pet fish that he had named Gus which we think is short for sarcophaGUS being that he has a lot of knowledge about Egyptian history and has a keen eye for the smaller details. The fish is then seen again later in the series when Layla El-Faouly (May Calamawy) is introduced as she stands looking at it in the tank within Steven's apartment. The fish is seen once again in episode 4 but this time in a simple, small, spherical fishbowl within the bright white rooms of the mental hospital that Marc and Steven find themselves in.
There are so many other parallels within other episodes however, here we have decided to focus on just episodes 1 and 4. If you have a keen eye you may have already found these before reading your way through this post, if not then maybe we have been able to enlighten you with some good old fashioned easter eggs. If so, you're welcome!
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